Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More pics...


Here are a few more random pictures in no particular order, other than this is how I loaded them in from the camera.

This was our drive on the 4th of July, with a baseball game at St. Louis in between.
After getting a three-hour nap in Oklahoma City, we continued to Flagstaff, Arizona.
So from 11 am CT Wednesday to 9 pm MT Thursday, we made it from Chicago to just outside the Grand Canyon. Safe?
Blake's going ultimate shade at a rest stop in New Mexico.
Blake's WYR made me go full worst, so I jumped out of the car and tried to hitch a ride.
Blake's going ultimate at the Oklahoma border.
California State Route 1 should be driven by everyone at some point in his or her life.
That's what a sunset looks like from a California state beach off Rt. 1.
Weird shot but it came out kinda cool.
Bethany and Blake at Moonshadow's in Malibu.
These are what the houses looked like on Detroit Ave. in West Hollywood, where we stayed at Bethany's place for the night.
Going ultimate Santa Monica Blvd.
The 114-degree heat in the Mojave Desert makes Blake go fake worst. Don't tell me it's a dry heat. 114 is 114.
Watch out for rams. Only rams.
I hadn't seen TV's Stacey Chesser for at least a good year. No better place to catch up with him than at "Gas" in Miami, Oklahoma.
BC's pad in Wrigleyville was clutch.
Too tired to write right now.
Tomorrow, we get up early and drive 19-straight hours to Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado.
I hope to take our two days at MCB as a chance to reflect on absolutely everything we've done, seen, and accomplished in 8-9 short days.
In the morning, we will drive east for the first time on the trip. As absolutely tired as I am, I'm not sure I'm ready to come home.
"We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind.
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die."
- Santa Monica, Everclear


The Great Entertainer said...

California State Route 1 looks pretty amazing. The best interstate drive I've ever been on in my life is along the Columbia River gorge in Oregon. Simply breathtaking drive with waterfalls cascading down giant sheets of rock. Honestly, you feel like you're an entirely different world. I loved all the pictures and it was a highly entertaining read fellas. I'm sure the stories in person will be even better. I've always wanted to do something like this, except maybe write a book about it in addition to an online blog. I also love the appearance of BC and Stacey, both guys are great guys. Take care fellas and drive home safely. I still can't believe you guys made it from Chicago, Illinois to the Grand Canyon in 19 hours. Definitely NOT safe. Haha..Tony is an ironman when it comes to driving. I know this from our trip to the Kentucky Derby. Probably about 10 hours of Driving in one day all by himself, even though, somebody else did the driving(whose name I won't mention out of respect for Castricone). Anyways, Tony, and Blake(even though I don't think I've met you before, who knows...have a safe trip home fellas. You should check out those Rocky Mountains. I'll leave you with a classic quote from Dumb and Dumber, "I sure thought the Rocky Mountains would be a little rockier than this! That John Denver is full of shit!" Hahah. Take care and may the wind be at your back and the world at your feet gentlemen. Onwards and upwards.

Wade H. Peery

Miss Sara said...

haha! is that the world's tallest thermometer in that one pic of blake?! i definitely stopped and got my picture taken with it when we drove from vegas to LA in march.. it was some random town that started with a B. my mom hyped it up and then i got there and was like, is that it?? good stuff. and if that's just another random tall thermometer, then disregard this post.